Backlink Planner

Get the backlinks you need

Don't leave your Backlinks to chance

Think of the Backlink Planner as your backlink to-do list. Here is where you create the tasks that will help you plan and follow-up on the backlinks you need to build.
SEO Backlink Planner

SEO Backlink Planner

Backlinks are crucial for SEO, but getting them is not always easy. But with the help of our backlinks planner tool, you can more efficiently manage and follow up on your link-building tasks.

Get Suggested Backlinks based on Anchor Usage

These are backlink plan suggestions based on your current anchor ratio usage. In other words, these are the type of backlinks you need to create to maintain a well-balanced backlink profile.

Use our Backlink Gap tool to send tasks to the Planner

Send backlinks tasks from the Backlink Gap tool

backlink planner from backlink gap

Use the Backlink Opportunities to send tasks to the Planner

Send backlinks tasks from the Backlink Opportunities

backlink planner from backlinks opportunities

Get started today with KatLinks

Backlink Planner